Category: SQL Server

SQL Server Availability Groups in GCP – IP Alias & PowerShell

In my last post I talked about how to create a SQL Server Availability Group using Alias IP Ranges. In this post I want to share a set of PowerShell scripts that I created to automate that process. You can find the scripts in my GitHub repository. Pre-requisites Before you create the Availability Group there

SQL Server Availability Groups in GCP using PowerShell

In the previous post SQL Server Availability Groups in GCP we showed some tips on how to create a SQL Server Availability Group in GCP. To automate that process we created PowerShell scripts that can be found in the GCP GitHub repository. They are also a good reference on how to use PowerShell to manage

SQL Server Availability Groups in GCP

I wanted to share some tips on how to create a SQL Server Availability Group in GCP. If you have tried before and put both nodes in the same subnet you may have noticed that it will not work. In order to make it work you need to put the nodes in different subnets. You

How to compare SQL Server schema from a command prompt

If you have multiple SQL Servers and need to keep the schema for those servers synchronized this article will show you an easy way to do it. You will need to download and install xSQL Schema Compare. The application comes with a 2 week trial. This application is very handy when comparing databases. Besides the