If you need to migrate a VM from one Azure subscription to another subscription there is a quick way to do it using PowerShell. You can find the script in my GitHub repository. At a high level these are the two steps we do: Create a copy of the boot disk directly from one subscription
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) gives you the option to add a startup script to your instance. The script will run every time the instance is started. The startup script can be a Windows batch script, PowerShell or a shell script if using Linux. For Windows instances you have the option to add a sysprep-specialize script
In my last post I talked about how to create a SQL Server Availability Group using Alias IP Ranges. In this post I want to share a set of PowerShell scripts that I created to automate that process. You can find the scripts in my GitHub repository. Pre-requisites Before you create the Availability Group there
In the previous post SQL Server Availability Groups in GCP we showed some tips on how to create a SQL Server Availability Group in GCP. To automate that process we created PowerShell scripts that can be found in the GCP GitHub repository. They are also a good reference on how to use PowerShell to manage